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Virtual Design Project


On this page I will be uploading all of my file links and pictures of my project that I've been working on for the past few weeks with some partners from out of state. All in all, it's been an interesting project filled with a lot of challenges.

Inventor Parts

Attached is a link to a folder with all of our inventor parts along with the assembly, presentation file, and technical drawings. Click Here

Mycelaneous Documents

In the google folder linked below are all our other parts including things like our design matrix, gantt chart, and more. Click Here

Final Presentation

Linked below is our final presentation with all the information on how our project went, along with successes and failures which should give one an idea of how we wroked each day. Click Here

Assembly Video

I have also attached a video of my assembly that can be viewed to get a visual on how all the parts fit together. Click Here

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