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About Me:

This is a quick 1 minute video on me. It does a good job on wrapping together someof my favorite things to do.

Chemical Engineering Overview:

For a career project this is a quick video made to inform you of the basic ins and outs of chemical engineering. 

Name Tag STL File:

The STL file is read by the 3D printer while the IPT can be read by inventor. The file itself is a basic name tag that we designed on inventor. 


Engineering Failure Project: 

Brief report and summary of the Challenger Space Shuttle explosion and why it happened.

Click Here For Document

Chapter 5 Drawings:

Click above to view a few inventor files of parts for a toy car. 


Instant challenges are a design challenge where we are given a set of constraints and we are given a goal to try to accomplish.

Paper Bridge First Attempt 32inch              Paper Bridge Second Attempt 36inch

For this challenge we were given a sheet of construction paper and two engineering notebooks. The goal was to span a bridge as far as we could across the two books. We were able to get a 32 inch span before the bridge touched the desk.

This challange had the exact same constraints except instead of having the bridge on books we had to place it on 3D printed blocks. Our improved design allowed us to be able to reach a distance of 36 inches.

3.6 Fling Machine

The fling machine had us take a handful of different office supply type objects and turn it into a cotton ball launcher. After a few different ideas failed we figured out a catupult type design. We were able to on our longest launch throw a cotton ball 69 inches.


Pictorial Sketches

Some pictorial sketches done in class on isometric paper.

Name Tag Pic

A picture of my simple name tag we designed on ineventor.

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