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Reverse Engineering Project Page

     On this page I will be posting updates and success/failures on my project. The object that I am reverse engineering is a ice fishing tip up. In the end my goal is to have a 3D printed minature tip up that can be employed when ice fishing for smaller fish. 

Isometric Sketch

This is an isometric sketch of the tip up im going to be reverse engineering. 


Down below are all of my sketches for each part of my project. Eventually these will be used to create drawings in inventor.

Inventor Pieces


Technical Drawings

Presentation File

Below is a video created in a inventor presentation file. This video demonstrates an exploded view of the product and a clip of it assembling. This gives a great visual representation of the final outcome of creating.


Below is a video on my project. It is just a tutorial on how to use it and techniques when fishing with it.


As of my product after reviewing the real version and doing some research online I was able to discover a few things:


1) The product is made of injection molded plastic for the base probably because of its unique design and the fact that plastic is strong. The rod and mounts and flag holder are all metal. The mettel apears to have been just machined out very simply and placed on. I assume because of there simple shape the metal was the ideal choice because of its durableness and strength. All in all, these add up to a solid cost effective product.


2) The product was obviously njection molded for all the plastic peices because they were able to make a unique shape and mass produce it. The metal pieces look to be machined but because of there simple shapes it does not look like a hard job. The only other pieces look to be either a spring which is made using special manufactureing tools but can be made super quick. Overall all the techniques used are very cost effective and can be done quick.


3) The product overall has a nice sleek look and light weight design to allow easy carring when on the ice. It also includes a bright orange flag to allow you to see when you do get a bite.


4) Thats about all you need to know about my product, overall its is a very costeffective way to ice fish for bothe the consumer and manufacturer.


One major improvement that I did was add two Basemount hold srews. Originally on the sides there was a machined rod on the base mount that fit into the side of the tip up. I replaced that with another screw because it better allows for easy breakdown and storage.

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