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Compound Simple Machine Project

Here is our compound simple machine. As a group we were required to put together a machine that incorporated 3 simple machines inside of it. We decided to use a pulley, wheel and axle, and gears to create our machine. Calculating the IMA we found that...

Pulley=IMA of 1

Gears=IMA of 7

Wheel and Axle=IMA of 16/407

Together multiplying each simple machine IMA we got a total IMA of 112/407 for the entire machine. The machine itself was operated by a motor that drove a small spool which wound up line over a pulley that turned our gears which then turned our axle.

1.3.2 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Boat Project

In 1.3.2 we were challenged to create a boat that is able to float a hydrogen fuel cell, solar panel, motor, and propeller. Not only that but we also had to make it move using the power from the the fuel cell. The fuel cell itself had to be charged using a solar panel too making for a very quiet charging period and when in use the fuel cell makes no noise except for the movement of the electric motor. Our boat was able to move from the thrust of our propeller but it only turned in circles instead of going straight. Overall though we were very successful in creating a quiet fuel cell powered airboat.


Conclusion Questions:

1) The low performing boats took on water, and in the high performances boats they did not. Plus the high performance boats had everything hooked up correctly in terms of power and had very efficient propellers.

2) We would make our boat completely symmetrical so it traveled straight and also we would add another fuel cell, motor, and solar panel to double our thrust.

3) The fuel cell could be used to power a car to create a clean energy car.

Concept Sketches
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