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Cross Bow Car

Below is a collection of pictures, text, and video that describes our robot project. As a group we had to creat a robot that completed a task using peices given to us in our VEX kits. The project itself was very open ended and leaved most of the guidlines up to us. After collaborating my group and I decided on creating a mobile unit that could drive, and then shoot a projectile. Creating the base that moved was the easy part as we had already created cars in that class, our biggest challenge was finding a reliable way to launch things. We went through three concepts before finding a fourth succesful one. First we thought about using a small CO2 tank to shoot the projectile out, this was quickly vetoed by our teacher due to so called liability issues. After that we attempted to create a mechanism in which to wheels spun in opposite directions and when an object was pushed through it would be pulled and launched out. This design was to challenging to get enough speed with the motors we had so we quickely decided against it. Our last failed idea was a catapult, we did not even build it because after thinking through it we decided it would be a little to complex to create a reliable catapult. Finally we chose to use a rubber band and create a mix between a slingshot and crossbow. This design proved well and our crossbow car was a major success.


Engineering Notebook

Below are a couple pictures of our notebooks. They depict some early concept drawing and brainstorming along with final sketches.



In our video we talk about how our car works and also different shooting mechanisms. Our cross bow mounted on the car uses a method to hook then pull back, then release that hoook to run the cross bow. It ended up being very consistent.


Linked below is the code that is proggrammed on our robot by Max. It allows the robot to run wirelessly and function properly. CLICK HERE


In conclusion I feel as though with more time we could have automated our robot and made it more powerful. Overal though I am happy with the realiability of the shooting mechanism and the overall robot we made in a few weeks time. 

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