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Marble Sorter

For our final project in POE we had to get into groups of three or four and create a marble sorter. Our constraints were very broad, we had to use VEX parts primarily and atleast 4 means of seperating including 2 mechanical and 2 electronic. The marbles we choes to serperate were 3 clear glass, 3 red glass, 3 steal, 3 wood, and 3 delrin/plastic marbles. After all the constraints were figured out we set to work.

Linked above is our presentation in which we address each aspect of the marble sorter.


Through out our project we ran into a few challenges. The biggest issue was finding consistency in our mechanical seperators. There would be different instances where one aspect of the design would work but then the next time we ran the machine it would fail. This made it very challenging to get the machine to run completely. In the end we were able to get one complete run. 

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